Sunday, 27 October 2013

Entities Shouldn't Have Setters

Setters on entities are redundant and a code smell. Take the following example of a blog post:
public class Post : Entity<Guid>
    private DateTime _postedOn;
    private Blog _blog;
    private string _text;

    public virtual DateTime PostedOn
        get { return _postedOn; }
        set { _postedOn = value; }

    public virtual Blog Blog 
        get { return _blog; }
        set { _blog = value; }

    public virtual string Text
        get { return _text; }
        set { _text = value; }
The problem here is that is that it leaves open the posibility that the entity will be modified from another entity, or even from another layer. Take this example in the application layer:
public class PostService : IPostService
    public void Compose(ComposePostRequest request)
        var post = new Post();
        post.PostedOn = DateTime.Now;
        post.Blog = _blogRepository.GetById(request.BlogId);
        post.Text = request.Text;
In this example, the Post entity is being constructed in the application layer. The main problem with this is that inevitably business logic seeps into the application layer. What if we had to set an expiry date for the post based on a window set in the blog? Where does this logic go? The result may look like this:
public class PostService : IPostService
    public void Compose(ComposePostRequest request)
        var blog = _blogRepository.GetById(request.BlogId);
        var post = new Post();
        post.PostedOn = DateTime.Now;
        post.Blog = blog;
        post.Text = request.Text;
        post.ExpiryDate = post.PostedOn.AddDays(blog.PostExpiryWindow);
As more logic comes in, more will be added to the application layer. The logic of the domain cannot be tested in isolation. The only way to test this logic is to mock out the PostRepository and capture the Post that is being saved. A far better way is to do this:
public class Post : Entity<Guid>
    private DateTime _postedOn;
    private Blog _blog;
    private string _text;
    private DateTime _expiryDate

    public virtual DateTime PostedOn
        get { return _postedOn; }

    public virtual Blog Blog 
        get { return _blog; }

    public virtual string Text
        get { return _text; }

    public virtual DateTime ExpiryDate
        get { return _expiryDate; }

    public static Post Compose(Blog blog, string text)
        var post = new Post();
        post._postedOn = DateTime.Now;
        post._blog = blog;
        post._text = text;
        post._expiryDate = _postedOn.AddDays(blog.PostExpiryWindow);
        return post;

public class PostService : IPostService
    public void Compose(ComposePostRequest request)
        var blog = _blogRepository.GetById(request.BlogId);
        var post = Post.Compose(blog, request.Text;
Now new business logic can be added to the Compose method in Post, and the logic of Post can be tested in isolation. If you think about it, this all makes perfect sense: Compose is a use case of Post, and why would you want to change the state of an entity out side of a use case?


Again, my persistence example is with NHibernate. NHibernate allows us to specify the way it accesses properties, using the 'access' attribute of property:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"
  <class name="Post" table="`Post`">
    <id name="Id" column="Id" type="guid">
      <generator class="assigned"/>
    <property name="_postedOn" column="`PostedOn`" access="field" />
    <many-to-one name="_blog" class="Bus" column="`BusId`" cascade="save-update" access="field" />
    <property name="_text" column="`Text`" access="field" />
    <property name="_expiryDate" column="`ExpiryDate`" access="field" />
The blog and post example may not have been the best example here, as Blog would be an ideal candidate for an aggregate route. In this case, the Blog entity would have a ComposePost method. The Blog would be loaded, the Post would be added and the Blog would be saved. However, aggregate routes are for another post, and for now this serves as a good example.

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